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Early Education Powered by STEAM Planting the Seeds for Success


A toddler writingThe Toddler Program at Rising Stars Daycare is a fun time for infants have now transitioned to becoming toddlers. They start learning coping skills and adaptation to new environments. This program focuses on stimulating toddlers’ physical and mental growth, with engaging them in physical activities as well as and intelligence stimulating games. We practice regular daily nap times for all toddlers too.

We offer our toddlers unstructured play time each morning. This allows them to be part of the group at their own pace and it also encourages them to make choices within defined options that may affect their peers.

Daily scheduled activities include art, games, drama play, music, and story time. Rising Stars Daycare also understands the importance of being patient and flexible with toddlers. With that, we are prepared to make changes and compromises in order to meet the unique demands of the class.

Toddlers at Rising Stars Daycare have their own outside play area with age appropriate toys, equipment and hands-on activities. Teachers are also ready to assist kids when they begin showing interest in progressing from diapers to using the toilet.